How many couples do you know who are celebrating 71 years of marriage and live in their own home? With the VetAssist Program from Veterans Home Care, Joe and Lee Gorbet, married in 1946, are still enjoying their home in Lubbock, Texas.
Utilizing the services of the VetAssist Program, Joe at 95 and Lee at 91, feel blessed to be able to stay in their home. The program provides Joe and Lee the assistance of a caregiver twice a week.
The VetAssist Program helps people access the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Aid and Attendance Pension. It also provides home care right away with an interest-free loan to pay for home care while the VA processes the application.
At 95 years young, Joe Earl Gorbet is as tough as the parts he welded during World War II to keep the Air Force planes flying over Africa and Italy. Joe was awarded a Bronze Star for his exemplary efforts as an Air Force Tech Sergeant in 1945.

Upon return to the States, Joe became a master welder in his home town of Ft. Worth, TX. A longtime friend claimed that Joe was “the best welder he ever saw and could weld anything.” Joe himself would say that “the only thing I couldn’t weld was the crack of dawn and a broken heart.”
But Joe’s finest welding achievement came upon his return from the war. Pulling up to a stoplight one night, he looked to his left to see three pretty girls in a car who were on their way to a dance. The girls noticed Joe too. “We hollered at him and asked if he wanted to go dancing with us,” said Lee. A few months later they were “welded” together in marriage.
The couple strongly recommends VetAssist to veterans needing care and who want to remain independent at home in their golden years. Their daughter and son-in-law, Laura and Mike French found VetAssist through a recommendation of a business associate who also chose the VetAssist Program for his parents. Mike researched VetAssist and Veterans Home Care Senior Regional Manager, Jessica Elkins came to the Gorbet’s home to explain and enroll them in the program.
Their VetAssist Client Service Specialist, Katrina Zimmer, calls regularly to make sure they are satisfied with their home care and are in VA compliance for medical expenses. This helps to ensure that they continue to receive their VA benefit. Having their daughter and son-in-law next door and their home care assistance are instrumental in allowing them to stay in their home.
The Gorbets were recently interviewed on station NBC DFW TV in Dallas-Ft. Worth and loved the experience. Their friends and family raved to them about how great they looked and sounded on the evening news.
We are proud to salute our nation’s veterans and share their stories. At Veterans Home Care, we’ve helped thousands of veterans and surviving spouses get the care they need. Our exclusive VetAssist Program assists wartime veterans and their families in applying for a little-known benefit from the Department of Veterans Affairs, (VA) to pay for assistance with activities of daily living. This includes home care and adult day care. To learn more, call us at 888-314-6075.